Bernd Alois Zimmermann. Composition sketches

The most informative sources in the bequest of Bernd Alois Zimmermann include – in addition to very extensive correspondence – the many surviving documents on the creation of his compositions. The outlines and drafts of works such as Dialoge, Présence and Concerto en forme de “pas de trois” show the huge amount of work the composer put into preparing his “pluralistic” creations of the 1960s: from deriving all of the musical parameters from proportion arrangements to outlines that are still far from the definitive structure to ascertaining the texture in the particell for the first time.


  1. Concerto pour violoncelle et orchestre en forme de "pas de trois"
  2. Dialoge [1. Fassung]
Konzert für zwei Klaviere und großes Orchester
  3. Présence
Ballet blanc en cinq scènes pour violon, violoncelle et piano
Emblèmes de mot: Paul Pörtner

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